Comment 28102

By Scammed (anonymous) | Posted January 09, 2009 at 21:44:21

Quote from Grassroots:
"Mr Stinson: Are you going to guarantee that all the possible employees of the venture are going to be paid a living wage, have access to benefits, what about pensions? "

Maybe a better question would be, Mr. Stinson, are you going to guarantee that trades will be paid, period? Or will it be like the creditors of the Dominion Club, Sapphire Tower, etc. in Toronto, who ended up with nothing? Millions of $$$ in unpaid creditors due to your scheme, which it looks like you and Bateman have exported to Hamilton now? Hey, Hamiltonians, the concept DOES NOT WORK. "Investors" in the Suites of 1 King West are not making money, but loosing every month. On top of that their real estate has depreciated to the point where you can't sell it. Beware fellow investors!

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