Comment 28093

By Chris (registered) | Posted January 09, 2009 at 15:00:26

In response to the posting by Clifford Wirth. There is some speculation that oil production will peak in the first half of this century. That is all it is - speculation. OPEC was formed to control production and prices by its members. Production rises and falls mostly to control price, when you see the production of oil dip when prices are high it is to maintain the peak price not because the oil has run out or the sky is falling. I believe in what you are doing though Cliff, fear sells and always has. Good luck with your ruse - you drop enough names implying they support your contention that production of oil has peaked that those who do not conduct their own research may actually be taken in for a while. I too believe you could convince enough gullible people that the sky is falling to extract a decent living and then some from the new survivalists you hope to inspire. Clifford Wirth is a notorious spammer and fake who undermines REAL environmental science. Satisfy any curiosity you might have concerning this scam artist and search using his name + fraud.

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