Comment 27713

By jason (registered) | Posted December 02, 2008 at 18:01:10

square three, you're getting ahead of yourself now trying to pin the economic statement as the reason for this coup. The update doesn't come until January.

Yes, the Cons made a mistake by trying to yank funding for political parties right after the election, but have since said they won't proceed with that agenda. So what's the big deal?? Why do we need a coup? I happen to agree with the concept of no public funding for private, multi-billion dollar political corporations. I'd much rather see leaders "go it alone" like Obama did instead of rely on taxpayers to foot their bills all the time. Of course, I'd also like to see no union or corporate donations either, but I realize the parties wouldn't go for that - it might open up politics to regular people, not just greedy elites.

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