Comment 27699

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted December 02, 2008 at 15:54:03

Eugene, I am not arguing the historical facts, I am simply pointing out your ignorance as to what makes a great city. Cities that are considered excellent places to live are like that because they have vibrant private sector economies, unlike Hamilton. Buildings and building style are not unimportant, but style alone does not attract people to create wealth creating industries that form the foundation of any urban environment. Without disposable income, you can have as many works of architectural splendor as you want, but they will all end up as bingo parlours, or better yet, follow the path of the Lister block.

My argument is that businesses create jobs, jobs create wealth and wealth creates the dynamic and fun experience we love about great cities. Wealth also allows people the ability to create impressive works of architecture, without relying on the government to pay the tab, unlike the example of "Haussmann" Paris. Furthermore, the free market does not rely on force to move people from their homes, but instead relies on mutual consent between buyer and seller, but why get thrown off course with things like private property and morality, they're just a funny old concept anyway.

Keep in mind that the area that rings the inner city of Paris is not all that great a place to live, the riots of 2005 coming to mind. These areas are also the product of urban planners, with the obvious difference being that they have poor local economies. Are you starting to see the connection, poor economy equals crappy place to live.

Once Hamilton learns the lesson that the private sector is the real driver of great cities, not government, this city will once again be a great place to live.

Frank, look at any community in the world where government is the main source of economic development, they all suck (First Nation reservations, Africa, inner cities that rely on welfare). Conversely, every city that is considered a great place to live is dominated by the private sector. If you want a partial example of what the free market can do with very little, look at Singapore. Although hardly a bastion of freedom, its low government involvement in the economy (at least in terms of government spending) has created a wealthy, fast growing economy, with excellent public health, 3% unemployment and a standard of living that outstrips Canada.

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