Comment 2739

By jason (registered) | Posted December 22, 2006 at 14:04:25

hi Peter...could you ellaborate on the 'micro-credit' loans?? I have no clue what that is....perhaps other do, but I'm interested to hear what that is you're proposing. Great comments Ben. I think it gets very tough to present all of our ideas and issues as 'something for everyone' but in reality that's what they are. I suppose part of the problem is constantly trying to get the powers that be to see the importance and payback of investing in the city. I think of the Robert Land community group that has purchased that old school and doing something great for that community. Sure, folks 'with money' will move downtown and already are in large numbers as things turn around. But it's the folks working full-time jobs yet needing food banks for their families along with new immigrants who need a bit more of our support. Not a 'free handout', but real opportunities to get established and become a success. We have doctors driving cab and lawyers working at gas stations. It shouldn't be that way. Folks like the one you mention above should be able to happily and conveniently live in a city our size with no car. But he can't. I really think the transportation sector is a huge one to start with. Transit, cycling and safer sidewalks/streets that are welcoming for PEOPLE, not mini-QEW's would go a long way in helping the working class get rid of the car and spend their money on food, clothing and a better place to live....heck, maybe they could even save money to buy a home instead of tossing money away to rent forever. And more jobs IN THE CITY is essential. For evey high tech tower or Mac Innovation Park there is a need for janitors, garbage men, service providers at restaurants, hotels, retail shops etc..... all of these represent jobs that can help someone slowly 'climb the ladder'. Perhaps we should meet with the poverty roundtable people and see what they think and if they have any interest in making transit/transportation issues a focus of their program.

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