Comment 27281

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted November 11, 2008 at 23:29:08

Grassroots, in the past year, real GDP has grown by 0.7%, while government expenditure on goods and services has grown 5.1% and government fixed capital investment (infrastructure) has grown by 5.9%.

The government has not released its public accounts for 2008 yet, but from 2006 to 2007, the growth in spending was for transfers and increasing the size of government ministries ( Health, Revenue, Public Works, Public Safety).

If government would limit their spending increases to population growth plus inflation, the country would still have the level of government services it does today, but the private sector would be allowed to take a stronger role in shaping our economy.

I believe that the private sector, because it has to compete, is better at allocating resources and creating the good paying jobs we used to have.

Keep in mind that when the economy was creating the middle class, government's share of the economy was much smaller than it is today.

I guess we can't have it both ways, either we choose growth, which means limiting the role of government in the economy, or we ask government to do everything for us and kiss the good paying jobs goodbye.

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