Comment 27213

By Robert D (anonymous) | Posted November 07, 2008 at 14:03:58

Good for the architects in not compromising their principles.

As for heritage, I'll agree that heritage designations sometime complicate things to the point that it's difficult for an building owner to move forward, however heritage designations also do the opposite, opening up funding opportunities, and keeping a valuable part of Hamilton's heritage and flavour.

By the way, has anything happened with that new parking lot where HMP used to be? Now that he's running the Sheraton I doubt he'll be permitted to put up a rival hotel so nearby. Methinks he's going to do what he's doing with all his properties, sit on them as parking lots until values rise (probably due to light rail) and then sell them at a profit. Shame on the city for letting him make money off of the city's back!

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