Comment 27152

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted November 04, 2008 at 22:38:59

Better, if the government is us, then everything the government does represents the will of the people.

If the government is us, then there should be no disagreement as to what the government should spend our money on.

If the government is us, why is it that most people distrust the people who run it?

I suggest that government is not us, but rather an entity that dupes people into believing that they can get something for nothing.

I personally enjoy paying taxes to the government. I know that the more I pay, the more opportunities I will be given. I understand that by making life harder on myself, it will pay dividends in the future.

Therefore, if you really want to start helping the poor, I suggest you drop the "rich are evil, poor are saintly" campaign and realize that the universe can't be fooled.

Whatever the government forcibly takes from a person who EARNS a dollar, will be given back to that person in greater opportunities.

Whoever lives off the proceeds of government theft, will pay the price of having fewer opportunities.

Everything balances out, so why not harness the power of this balance to create opportunities for yourself. All it takes is faith. Send the government a big fat check and watch your life prosper. Sounds crazy, but if you try it, it will work.

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