Comment 27122

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted November 01, 2008 at 08:29:33

Ventrems: I am so glad that you believe what the government websites have to say, me, well I see it as something else and so do many other people.

This NAFTA on steroids, and the only ones to benefit will be the elite, not the average Canadian in any shape or form.

These so called roundtable commissions are made up of the business elite and not ordinary Canadians, who have seen toxic products, food, and many other things infiltrate our system they have seen job loses, wages drop, the decline of the ability for benefits. They have seen the social safety net decline in actual dollars that reach the people, yet the growth of the bureaucracy which much of it it privatized.

No, the only people that should be monitoring the spending is the people, the tax payers and not the elite, sorry, that is my view. It will not be long before every facet of your life is monitored, scanned, chipped.

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