Comment 27084

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted October 29, 2008 at 07:55:29

By working middle class: Without seeing the actual financial statements, I guess it is hard to know where the money goes and how it is delegated.

You bring up a good question though, why do those who are paying for it choose not to use it? Maybe it is dependence on the vehicle. Maybe we have to look at the whole tax structure, to analysis where all this money goes? But in reality, the information is not open to the public, so we do not really know, do we.

But one reality is that those who are the working poor, those who must rely on transit, cannot afford another hike in the price. It is just causing then to struggle more. Can those in our community, who are the middle class afford more tax hikes?

The answer lies in the community coming together to air their views to come with a feasible resolutions. What is missing in the solution is the voices of the people at the table.

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