Comment 27078

By jason (registered) | Posted October 28, 2008 at 22:20:58

sounds like you've been listening to margaret mccarthy for too long. LRT has the potential to bring about a boom to the lower city corridor along it's route. What does this mean?? New investment (money), new tax base (money), new jobs (money), new construction (money), new services for all the new residents, hotel guests and office workers (money). And to top it off, a huge makeover of the city's image which has long been pointed out by the wonderful folks in flamborough as the main reason for lack of investment in our city in recent decades. If you prefer, we can keep all the increased assessment in the old city. That way you can be happy in knowing that your area isn't benefiting at all from LRT. I'm sure folks in Ancaster, Stoney Creek and Dundas would be more than happy to see their taxes drop as the commercial and multi-residential sector booms to life in the lower city easing the burden on single home owners. I know I appreciate your generosity and will do everything possible to see that your portion of the new money is applied to my house instead.

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