Comment 27075

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted October 28, 2008 at 20:08:43

Yes, 41% of Canadians are fed up with the system. A system that does not represent the people's issues on many levels.

Yes, the MP's are suppose to represent the people but the party line, gets in the way, party first, people second. There are some good ones out there.

I am more concerned about SPP and what this truly means. How come so secret? How come the people do not have a representative at all these meetings? Why is it that only the top elite, the top echelons of the business community, who have the most say, how is this democratic? How can there be balance in all things when there is only one voice, a voice that is not the people?

Who knows, may be the next election, the numbers of the disenfranchised will be greater? Time will tell.....................

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