Comment 27073

By ventrems (registered) | Posted October 28, 2008 at 18:40:07

There are better ways to spend money than an "election stimulus package," but I agree that any election is good for democracy.

I don't think every election has to occur in the context of a crisis. As Canadians, we are incredibly luck to have the chance to vote in a free and fair election. Recent elections in Zimbabwe and Kenya should remind us of how lucky we are.

The Conservatives had the longest running minority government in Canada's history and it's fair to say that the opposition needed a reminder of who the voters (still) want in charge.

What is a pointless waste of money, in my humble opininon, is the salary paid to all the Liberal "opposition" MPs who abstained from voting in Parliament. MPs are suppoesd to represent their constituents' interests, not their own. They deserved a reminder of just how fed up Canadians are with them.

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