Comment 27071

By funkymunky (anonymous) | Posted October 28, 2008 at 16:32:25

Sorry Trev, I’m not buying the arguments either. I don’t agree that the money was good for the economy. There is always a net loss when you spend money – even if it circulates within your own borders. Where did the raw materials for the campaign come from? What about the damage to the environment with all those flights? Tax money should be invested - so we can see some return somewhere down the line. There is no return here. And spending money just to spice up the economy is just not sound economic logic.

As for the benefit to our democracy – again I disagree. There is a risk now that even more voters have been turned off after watching 4 weeks of an election about nothing. It’s like making your employees go to a boardroom presentation and then boring them all to sleep. Guaranteed half of them will call in sick for the next one. As a politician, if you are going to call an election you have to first make sure the issues are valid and then you have to make them engaging to the electorate. All parties, with some occasional exceptions here and there, failed to do that this time around. Waste of my time, waste of my money.

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