Comment 26909

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted October 15, 2008 at 10:45:23

Well, looks like my 'prediction' (my guess...) was not so far off! (But Ryan gets to keep his pint money - for now!) Grassroots - those same poor folks who probably never got polled, probably never voted either...interesting to see how accurate the polls were this time around.

The sad part about this whole 350 million dollar extravaganza is how unengageing it was. Dion's Green Shift could have been a better sell if the ice caps had suddenly melted and he had done a better job peddling the plan...The NDP could have been more engageing if Layton would stop barking like a Union dog (why is he always so angry?)...Harper could have been more engageing if...well, he couldn't have been any more engageing.

The 'election about nothing' ended up being just that. Question is - where do we go from here?

It all reminds me of the time to British Tory's got booted out after John Major failed to wow the base. Labour came along under Tony Blair and picked up the momentum. Now that Labour momentum is waning and the Tory's are finally growing in strength. But it's taken them over a decade and, what, 2 leaders?, to get there. The difference in Canada is that Harper has none of Blair's charisma or vision. He has failed to take advantage of a Liberal party in flux. If the Libs can get their act together quickly they may be able to regain their stronghold but my sense is that Canada is in for a long period of uninspired minority leadership.

With so much to do to fix this country this is a real shame. But - that's politics.

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