Comment 26816

By Dubai Resident (anonymous) | Posted October 03, 2008 at 06:26:48

The article has a lot of truth to it. But its just the tip of the iceberg. I hope the foreign media will start questioning the following:

1. Transparency & Accountability: The foreign media should question the the local media, Gulf News, Khaleej times, Emirates 24/7, Al Bayan, Emarat Al Youm, Al Khaleej, Al itihad, all local tv & radio stations never report anything related to violations of basic human rights by Dubai Police. Everything is fake and superficial in Dubai papers. Thats whats going to take Dubai down ultimately because mistakes are covered up and those who raise it are silenced or deported.

There is a special division within the dubai police that arrests individuals and keep them for weeks without any legal grounds and or any rights to have a lawyer. Nobody can complain about their actions because sheikh mohammed has given them the green light to do whatever they like for "Security". The reality is that many of those officers are on the payroll of big business interests, so anyone not so cooperative will be traped and the sheikh will get a report about how they have caught someone who has confessed to a series of corruption charges. Commercial benefits under the umberela of State Security. Unfortunately dubai's growth has been limited to an increase in the concrete and steel blocks. Local Emiratis are fed up of the way the government is doing everything from a coffeeshop chain to drycleaners and multi billion dollar real estate projects.

I believe the sheikhdoms will in a decade or so be wiped out to a more demanding and democratic society. Its sad how money has infected everyone in Dubai from the top to the bottom.

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