Comment 26812

By geoff's two cents (anonymous) | Posted October 03, 2008 at 03:46:42

Couldn't agree more, David, and it's a crying shame that we hear so much about "gouging" in this supposedly more eco-friendly era.

Driving is inherently dangerous, particularly in areas of higher speeds. Hitting anything at 100km/h will almost certainly kill it, and yet, for some reason, this often goes unnoticed.

If I nod off on the bus or train (it's happened a few times), I might miss my stop or drool on a fellow passenger (hasn't happened yet); if I nod off at the wheel, I might be out thousands of dollars in repairs, or even kill myself or somebody else.

Having owned a car for eight years, I happily sold it for these reasons above, and now find that I have added time to read while I commute. I'm also wealthier, and I can spend as much time downtown in a city as I want to without having to worry about when my parking ticket expires. I get more exercise to boot. A much smaller carbon footprint is a handy bonus, together with the fact that buses are usually air-conditioned in the summer.

Having recently rented a car, not only did I find driving on freeways incredibly boring and restrictive; I also found the air quality to be notably poorer than on a bus - possibly because bus passengers are elevated, I don't know.

Not that I can expect everybody to feel exactly the way I do, but I find it incredibly discouraging that "price gouging" gets as much attention as it does, while the study you mentioned is relegated to page 12. Would the top 5 be too much to ask?

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