Comment 26684

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted September 23, 2008 at 11:53:11

I'm sorry, but I gotta agree with Mr Smith here, despite my festering rage at how much King George runs Mac like a business, an opinion shared by nearly every McMaster citizen - staff, student, doctor or otherwise I know.

It simply does not make sense to take the fastest, largest capacity bus rout away from the single most important pedestrian-oriented business district in west Hamilton (Westdale Villiage), as well as taking it out of the University, unarguably the largest source of riders at least as far away as King and James. Do people get on for a stop or two and waste time? Sure, but that's true of buses everywhere. The 10, 51 and 1A are frequently full as far away as Queen or James (with mostly students), which makes that a non-issue. Main West, in contrast, is a highway, with few pedestrian attractions comparatively (especially before the university).

Trucks running through campus are a pain, yes. But that's the price of having tons of construction and hyper-wasteful facilities (like the student centre's food court, in which one cannot find a single re-used dish, packaging or utensil. Are kids getting hurt? Yes, and that's tragic, but shouldn't university students learn, at some point, to look both ways before crossing the street?

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