Comment 26626

By Amy Kenny (registered) | Posted September 17, 2008 at 17:18:04

“I can't respond to every point that people make against me, there are many of you and only one of me. Therefore, forgive me if I am selective in choosing who to address.” Ahhhh selective defence! But doesn’t it seem like a contradictory tactic when employed by someone who recently insisted that Geoff offer a point-by-point analysis of Paxton’s chapter on the Depression instead of simply referring readers to the book? From someone whose response to Ryan’s refusal to take his bait is to dish out sixth-grade-style grief a la “well if you know sooOOooOOooO much, then explain it for me, and if you shut your mouth, that just proves you’re a liar.”
On (what shouldn’t have to be) a side note, I enjoyed the read. Nice work.

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