Comment 26616

By jason (registered) | Posted September 17, 2008 at 09:13:50

I used to take the B-Line regularly, and now haven't set foot on one since this route change. This is nothing more than a short-sighted move by Mac. We are hearing good news about LRT in Hamilton. I know some folks are scared that Hamilton will find a way to screw that up, and not having rapid transit on our largest university campus would be exactly that. It's time for the city to remind Mac that the HSR is run by the city. Mac is a public institution and pays no property taxes. They have no right to tell the local public transit system where to go. Better Rapid Transit is transit that people can actually use in their everyday lives. This B-Line change is causing the opposite effect. All that was needed was to eliminate one of the Westdale stops if 'lazy students' were truly causing such a massive backlog in transit times. I rode the 10 regularly and never encountered this problem. All B-Line buses should run the full route and all of them should come up into the middle/back of campus. I've now joined the nervous masses worried that our fine city will become one of the few cities to botch up an LRT system. Nothing should surprise me anymore, but getting transit right is so easy, even our council should be able to figure it out. It's time for the city to put it's foot down before Mac sets us back any further in the quest to become a real city again.

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