Comment 26603

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted September 16, 2008 at 20:12:35

Geoff, what are the inherent flaws in my logic?

taking A Smith to task, read the last four paragraphs from Ryan's article. Here he tells the reader how neighborhoods SHOULD be improved, all which relate back to his view that top down planning, regulations and rules are the golden keys to success.

However, he fails to tell the reader his theories have absolutely nothing to do with the progress taking place on James St North.

If this article was simply written to highlight the success of the neighbourhood, why add the unrelated editorial at the end?

I believe it is because Ryan wants to associate his theories with success stories. In this way, his theories appear to be an integral part of what is happening on James St North, even though nothing could be further from the truth.

For those that fail to see this, ask yourself what Ryan's theories have to do with the people mentioned in this article. If you can come up with any connections let me know.

As to the comments from "so full of crap", why should I respond to someone that begins his comment by resorting to insults? Furthermore, all I said to him was that he chose his name wisely, how is that an insult?

As to the "good" points he made, unfortunately I can't respond to every point that people make against me, there are many of you and only one of me.

Therefore, forgive me if I am selective in choosing who to address.

Just for the record, Ryan's article was not ALL about the people making changes to James St North, as he claims. Once again, forgive me if I refuse to address people with zero grip on the facts.

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