Comment 26596

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted September 16, 2008 at 13:51:07

Geoff, you made specific claims regarding the Great Depression, so it is your job to back them up, not Robert Paxton's. For someone who desires to be a scholar, this should not be too difficult.

Highwater, I agree that Ryan works hard on this site, but hard work does not give him the right to claim others success as his own.

The truth is that individuals are turning James St North around, not rules, regulations, and top down planning that Ryan believes in. Just people, the market, and that's it.

Regarding the Great Depression, what I have said, and what the numbers support, is that increasing non military spending leads to reduced output in the economy. One goes up (spending), and the other goes down (economy). These events happen near simultaneously, so it is easy to see the connection between the two. Therefore, there is no contradiction.

Full of crap, you chose your name wisely.

Ryan, your failure to explain what your theories have to do with James St North is disappointing. Your intellect has obviously been weakened by listening to one too many uncritical opinions, and your ego has now completely taken over the job of thinking for you.

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