Comment 26551

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 12, 2008 at 16:49:54

I support the move in principle, but the implementation has two major flaws:

  1. Splitting the route means you have to know the schedule and then determine which stop to go to, since there is now a 10 bus only every half an hour (instead of every 15 minutes) at the two East-bound stops. This makes it much less convenient to just hop on the bus.

  2. The Emerson stop is just a regular bus shelter. Replacing three campus bus stops with one stop will cause havoc in the winter. Last year there were dozens of people waiting at each of the three campus stops. Hundreds of people milling around at the intersection of Emerson and Main is chaotic and possibly dangerous. What they need is a proper transit terminal next to Main St, similar to what they've done for GO at McMaster.

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