Comment 26451

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted August 30, 2008 at 18:36:32

Thanks for the info., Highwater. Re: "Hippies, weidos & not regular people". I'm glad that you mentioned that, & you don't really have to even show up at City Councel meetings to get those labels. All you have to do is be aware, & read a little & speak your mind.

The last 'Hippie' was shot in Banff Ntn. Park in 1972 by park rangers for stealing a "Picinic basket", & yelling, "Hey hey, Boo Boo" to an accomplice. :-) (However, rumours persist of mutant Beatniks & 'Bolshevikies' living in our antiquated sewer system. It's possible that The City started the rumours to avoid fixing the sewers.)

'Weirdos'-? Yes that's what you get called for minding your own business. (your City & your taxes are your business) I wish there were more 'wierdos' in Hamilton.

"Not regular people?" I would suspect that these people in attendence are quite 'regular' as opposed to mentally & quite possibly physically constipated people. Some areas of Hamilton do seem to have a perpetual 'stick up the butt' complex & elect like-butted people.

One thing I'd like to know is do City Councillors actually call you this in a public meeting, Highwater? Or do this just start grinding out rumours on the local rumour mill?

(If City Councillors don't want the public in the public gallery, perhaps they'd be happier removing themselves from City Hall, & having their meetings at the party room in Micky Dee's? Sell City Hall to the developers!)

(Wouldn't this be an appropriate place for an ethics chair to start investigating?! If voters are actively discouraged from & insulted because of attending City Council Meetings then Something Is Very Very Unsavory!)

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