Comment 26424

By Stand up for the Grassroots, the people (anonymous) | Posted August 22, 2008 at 20:23:34

When does the government really ask the people anything, in reality? When do the people really have say in the negotiating process? Are the people allowed to sit at the negotiating table?

One of the major issues this community struggles with is poverty and the lack of living wage jobs are far and few between. Coupled with an social assistance system, that is akin to the mentality of the workhouses of a prior century. There have been a marked delined in workers rights across the board in the last 30 years and many in the middle class are losing ground and are living pay cheque to pay cheque, not truly understanding the true harshness and coldness of our social safety net.

So my questions would be:

What kind of jobs are to be created? Are they to be service sectors jobs that do not pay a living wage, that do not provide benefits, how about pensions? Are the jobs to be temp or contract jobs, where employment rights are routinely violated? Would there be transit for those workers, who do not drive?

If food security issues are prevalent in our community, why would we pave our farmland? How does this help our local farmers? How will we feed that people, if crisis was to appear?

If environmental issues, such as peak oil, GHG's and so on, how does building an airport address these issues? Why do they not deal with the brownfields? Other cities have!

Are the people really being fairly? represented?

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