Comment 2636

By jason (registered) | Posted December 14, 2006 at 23:25:48

hey Doug...good comments. You're certainly right about the advantages of keeping transit separated from other crossings. I think this highlights the importance of developing a BRT or LRT system that has control over traffic signals and also has its own lanes. I'm not proposing anything like Toronto's streetcars which sit in traffic. In Hamilton the money and political will does not exist to build a monorail. Our population isn't dense enough to support subway (and again, money is a problem). I've ridden light rail systems that have their own lanes through urban downtowns and like the experience of seeing the city. Also, when walking along a sidewalk they add a nice level of urbanism as they quietly glide by. Centre lanes with a centre median is my preferred choice in Hamilton to avoid using curb lanes where people are trying to turn into parking lots or side streets. Vancouver is a gem of a city. We can learn from them in many ways....but we've got to adopt to our own geography and political climate on certain issues. Cheers

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