Comment 26303

By Katie (registered) | Posted August 08, 2008 at 13:08:40

Another tip that works well with old brick houses (I live in one): open the windows at night-after dark when it's relatively cool BUT (this is where people get suspicious) close them early the next morning (like 5 or 6:00). That brick oven you live in is probably well insulated (maybe with horsehair), which is why it bakes and gets your through freezing winters. However, this can be used to your advantage by letting cool air in at night and closing it out during the day. Any 'breeze' you get through open windows on hot days is usually a false breeze - the movement of hot air outside expanding into the cooler air inside the house. This technique works best if you can stand to keep dark drapery covering windows during the day all summer to keep the sunlight from warming (what can be) your dark, cool brick cave.

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