Comment 26205

By lost canon (anonymous) | Posted August 05, 2008 at 13:36:42

terry tells us that
"If you asked the investors for the reason they chose James and John Streets, the answer isn't "Because they are now two-way." The answer is complicated, but included the fact that many young people were moving into the area, galleries were opening up and it became obvious that this would become a new cultural centre.

ONE - I am young, an investor and a gallery owner. I would NEVER EVER invest on ANY of the major one way streets because NO ONE walks down them. Who are you talking to? Why are you lying? This statement makes everything you have said suspect.

These investment decisions were underway before the conversion to two-way took place. To suggest that two-way streets were the catalyst to this new investment is simplistic and narrow-minded

TWO - sometimes simple isnt narrow minded.

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