Comment 26122

By Terry Whitehead (anonymous) | Posted July 31, 2008 at 01:44:33

I am aware that there are over thirty studies in North America that detemine that one way is more efficient to move traffic safer for both vehical and pedestrian movement.Todate there is more evironmental awareness,more focuse on public transit and with gaso;ine prices on the rise. it is very clear from these studies that one way traffic would be the peferred option.

On any given day I challenge those that believe that the issue of speed is only a one way traffic phenominom to observe traffic on Mohawk,west 5tth or Garth street. they are all twoway streets with high volumes of traffic that often travelling 60 to seventy km hour. the residents on the mountain have oten complained about the speed a i have been working with police and city staff to find a solution.

If the main issue is the speed of traffic on one ways then maybe the solution is in finding a pratical way of slowing it down.

I asked city staff if ther is any traffic studies that challenge the findings of the studies I have mentioned and the answer was no!

We need to continue this constructive debate and i hope that those that do not support my position will realize that the concerns I have stated are not without substance.

let not assume that the costly conversion of certain streets is the solution to the many challenges in our downtown.

For more information on the and click on the link "Are Two-Way Streets Safer?"studys go to

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