Comment 26071

By Flyboy (anonymous) | Posted July 26, 2008 at 09:27:53

Michaeld said: "I know the writer of this article is heavily in favor of Bayfront development on remediated Brownfields which have been proven thru studies to be far more beneficial to revitalization of the community. How can we label him as being negative about development?"

It is easy to dismiss the airport lands by this writer and you and point in the direction of existing lands in the industrial area. It isn't correct to do so. All the experts agree that brownfields redevelopment is a must but isn't sufficient to meet Hamilton's needs. The 'writer' as you charitably call him and yourself are misleading all with your straw man.

That is why Council disagreed with him, his cronies and you; that is why he is labelled 'anti business' as are you if you fall for his polemic.

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