Comment 26057

By John Dolbec (anonymous) | Posted July 24, 2008 at 13:32:31

I do sincerley apologize if I seemed "dismissive" - no such tone was intended -sometimes e-mail is just an imperfect means of communications.

I am certainly not dismissive in any way about RTH, which I do follow closely; and, as anyone who knows me I think can attest, I am alwasy fully open to any diolgue, even (perhaos particularly with those with whom I may disagree).

However, may I tactfully point out that respect and diologue are indeed two way streets (no pun intended).

If one wants respect, one should treat others, particularly those whom one may disagree, with equal respect.

Just becasue I may have an alternate viewpoint, does not mean I am say: "backward", "stupid", or "evil", as some of the previous entries seemed to imply to me.

Certainly, I would hardly classify many of the above comments as particularly respectful in tone.

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