Comment 26050

By CityJoe (anonymous) | Posted July 23, 2008 at 22:07:09

Don McLean's final comment: "It's absolutely certain that the public consultation was a farce."

Doesn't this comment sum up every topic covered on 'The Hammer'? Light rail, public transit, bike access, the CBC,passive/muzzled media, City Hall, 2 way downtown streets..etc., etc., It all amounts to the same thing, every single time.

"It's absolutely certain that the public consultation was a farce."

The problem is like all of Pavlov's dogs, we have all become too well trained, & expect nothing else of the people we elect, & the media we ingest. We know what to do when the bell rings, but we also know mostly we will likely get nothing when it does. (& we don't seem to care! :-(

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