Comment 25888

By Dwayne Brown (anonymous) | Posted July 11, 2008 at 09:49:10

Sam Merulla is interested in one thing - self-promotion. This is just another one of his ill-thought ideas that make use of a high profile subject to get his name in the paper. Give him a mike or a camera and he's there being goofy. If he truly wanted to promote economic prosperity, increase public transit ridership and help the environment he would be pushing like Hell to get not only a LRT system for Hamilton, but a far more integrated cycling path system as well(which costs far less). One kind of gets sick of hearing the man talk of how he stands up for the poor, elderly and disadvantaged citizens of the city. And yet he's willing to add more taxes to everyone's bill. The unfortunate situation in this city is that there is a lack of common sense in city council. And they keep missing the bus so to speak. A light rapid transit system will eventually come (we could have had it in the 80's - free of charge!). We will have to pay for it - with help form the province - so making public transit free now just compounds the inevitable money problems of the future. But politicians, especially Merulla, can only think as far ahead as the next election. Perhaps what we need to do, aside from changing the transit fare system, is change the majority of councillors charged with making those decisions.

Dwayne Brown

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