Comment 25866

By youngblood (anonymous) | Posted July 08, 2008 at 14:44:39

While I'm sure Hamilton would benefit from an LRT system, Edmonton is probably not the best example to point to as a successful prototype. As you correctly noted, Edmonton has had an LRT line in place since 1978. But it has had only one line, and it serves a very limited portion of the city. That's starting to change, but for 30 years the LRT "system" has been a rump line, excellent for anyone in the northeast travelling downtown, but certainly not even approaching a network.

Plus, while there are attempts being made to tie LRT routes to transit-oriented development opportunities, there is absolutely no comparison between Toronto and Edmonton on that front. Edmonton has failed miserably at linking transit and development. Clareview Town Centre, at the current northeast terminus of the LRT line is an example of the abominable development that we have instead saddled ourselves with: medium-density residential that is close the the LRT station, but entirely compartmentalized with poor pedestrian connectivity and very little public amenity, and a big box commercial development, the only thing positive to say about which is the fact that it is transit-adjacent. But to think of Clareview as an example of transit-ORIENTED development is to bastardize the concept entirely.

Edmonton is indeed a sprawling city, and Canada's most car-dependent large city at that. Good things are starting to happen here, but to point to us as an example of what is being done right by looking at the money going into LRT construction (none of which is actually budgeted yet, apart from the $600 m extension to Century Park in the south) is I think premature. It is possible, though I sincerley hope this will not be the case, that none of these grand LRT schemes will actually come to pass. If the economy comes to a screeching halt, I can guarantee you that they won't.

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