Comment 25849

By Mervin (anonymous) | Posted July 07, 2008 at 15:14:09

If you've never seen a road race on Locke Street, you must not live there.. people fly through the four-way stop all the time late at night, and zoom down the street.
I'm torn on this because efficient traffic is something Hamilton can be proud of - less idling and less congested traffic means less pollution and carbon emissions.. certainly Hamilton makes up for those saved emissions in spades with other pollutants, though.
There's just too much cost to making these streets 2-way yet again. Actual enforcement is the key, and speed-timed lights with red light cameras would be a good way to slow things down. In Cambridge, they have lights that go red when someone exceeds the speed limit, as an example.
We shouldn't let a few jackasses ruin it for everyone. We still have them on Locke anyhow (not to mention the 2-3AM Harley Davidsons produced by the West Town being ridiculously loud.. I mean, I love Harleys, just not in the city).

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