Comment 25681

By Wile E Coyote (anonymous) | Posted June 25, 2008 at 13:25:48

Epic miss the point, Capitalist. But of course missing the point is what aerotropolis defenders do best.

The "jobs meme" is the club that aerotropolis supporters use to squash dissent - as in, it's NOT going to produce many jobs, and the jobs it does produce aren't going to be very good.

Hooray for eight bucks an hour to load boxes off the back of a plane onto the back of a truck at 20 jobs a hectare. What a great use of prime agricultural land.

Oops, except that oil will be four hundred bucks a barrel in 2018 and the only planes will be big Airbus A380s stuffed to the gills flying from JFK to Heathrow. Maybe we'll have solar planes by then. Not.

The jobs meme is a fugazi. 59,000 great jobs in yesterday's growth sector? Nice try. While you crow about how all these jobs will magically appear in the big employment lands around the airport, our REAL, LIVE employment lands already serviced and ready to go right next to our fantastic RING HIGHWAY are being rezoned residential and big box commercial so people like Losani and Trinity Group can turn a fast buck off our economic legacy.

But never mind all that. Instead of responding to the point of the article you just ignore all those annoying "facts" and "arguments" and just cut off the debate by trotting out the J word like it's some kind of magic wand.

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