Comment 25585

By zach hargrove (anonymous) | Posted June 18, 2008 at 12:26:55

"is there any point?" The question is, can we learn from past mistakes? The same thinking 'knock down the lister already' and making excuses for the people who neglected it is the same thinking why we knocked down the birks building. And all the other beautiful places in Margaret Houghton's heart breaking "Vanished Hamilton" books. I for one am sick of it. Sick of the excuses. Sick of the attacking on people who want to preserve these places like WE"RE the ones that have an 'agenda'. I don't know if this debate will make a difference. But it's too important for people in Hamilton to not know what's going on behind the scenes. Kieran Dickson deserves a medal for keeping after the government until they show us the goods. So the "mainstream" sage says he speaks for might have the chance to learn the truth.

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