Comment 2533

By appalbarry (registered) - website | Posted December 06, 2006 at 11:56:58

"Using data from the Spec's traffic report on Monday, Mitchell demonstrates that vehicle use is growing much faster than population. That's because our street system provides huge incentives to motorists at the expense of neighbourhoods and of other transportation modes. "

I'll disagree, and turn that on its head.

The reason that many people drive is because the transit system by and large is horrid, and because the city is unfriendly to cyclists.

Double the frequency of buses and more people will use them. Half the price and even more.

Build bike lanes and more people will cycle (on the roads, not the sidewalk).

As less people drive there will be a sensible argument for narrowing streets, reducing parking areas, and slowing traffic in general.

I do not believe that slowing traffic to a crawl does anything to reduce auto usage, it just increases idling and pollution. If there isn't a more convenient way to travel - especially in winter - people will drive no matter the speed or the cost.

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