Comment 24899

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted June 03, 2008 at 13:20:24

Developers should not be in a position to dictate to other developers how they can build. You state that developers like having restrictions on future developers, so as to not devalue established structures. Why is this a good thing? Why shouldn't new investors be able to build what their customers demand? Once again, you are showing your predilection for control.

Property rights ensure that no single party is shown favour over another. If "developer A" wants to build a very tall structure, that is his/her decision. The fact that another building owner feels that this may harm his/her own building is irrelevant. As long as property lines are well drawn, the market will decide what buildings are needed, and built. In my scenario, it is the customer and the builder who decide what gets built, not disgruntled third parties.

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