Comment 2426

By Georges (anonymous) | Posted November 30, 2006 at 00:39:38

These 2-waying measures aren't intentionally punitive. 2-waying might discourage some people from using their cars but that's not the intention. If people want to drive, more power to them. 2-waying (and narrowing streets for that matter) is about slowing the rate of traffic down. I don't care if the volume is the same, so long as the rate goes down. With a slower rate of traffic (i.e. less cars zipping by per-minute), people will be more apt to walk around and run errands and ride their bikes, etc. So I wouldn't be proposing this as a disincentive to driving, though it very well may be. I'd be proposing this as an incentive for the people who live here, and those who drive here, to stop and explore the downtown core. I understand that creating this incentive for pedestrians inevitably creates a disincentive for drivers. But given the importance and the benefits that derive from having a viable downtown core, I'm just asking drivers to take one for the team...I'm not asking them to stop driving if they don't want to.

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