Comment 2424

By appalbarry (registered) - website | Posted November 29, 2006 at 22:50:30

I did finally get registered.

I guess that my main point is that incentives, positive enhancements, are good. Punitive measures are bad.

Instead of focusing on how we can enhance cycling, enhance transit, enhance many other things, too many people start from the point of punishing motorists.

Nine times out of ten that just results in slowing traffic, creating bottlenecks - which are not good for cyclists or pedestrians either - and increasing the amount of noxious pollution coming from each vehicle.

I will still cite James South as a disaster. There may or may not be some new businesses in that neighbourhood, but overall it is not friendly to cars, people, or bikes.

The friendlier feel of James North is because there is relatively little traffic, not because of one or two way streets.

What I would love to see on Main or King is to yank one whole lane out of the four or five and split it off as a cross town bike path. That would be relatively cheap, wouldn't impede traffic, and might actually be popular.


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