Comment 2414

By Mixed Media (anonymous) | Posted November 29, 2006 at 18:18:38

Sorry - I meant to say we didn't open our shop here because they all of sudden made the streets two way. My bad...

Two way traffic is good - but it isn't the deciding factor if a business opens on said street. You need an infrastructure to make a neighbourhood work and James North had many things that were already working. Two way helped the flow of traffic and keeps things balanced in terms of moving people both ways instead of straight through and never to be seen again. I can tell you if they decide to convert King St. into two way - it may take longer for something like what is happening on James North to take root. Have you seen the south side of King St. W. between Bay and Hess - wasteland...

So - what i'm trying to say - is these kinds of things don't happen overnight.

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