Comment 2374

By jason (registered) | Posted November 27, 2006 at 17:24:07

Great post nobrainer. The other great benefit of more downtown residents is that the voice for proper development (which you've just wonderfully articulated) will grow stronger and louder. I never understood much of this stuff until moving downtown. You are also a downtown resident and understand the situation perfectly by the sounds of it. As more and more people move downtown, more and more people will join us in getting city hall to treat us as a proper neighbourhood and not everyone else's shortcut. It's easy for all these (non-downtown resident) one-way supporters to wax eloquently about the one-way system. Perhaps we need to get city hall to change King St in downtown Dundas to 4-lanes one-way and have city council put an end to the practice of installing stop signs and stop lights on suburban side streets that become known as 'shortcuts' around traffic bottlenecks. Right now all folks in these outer neighbourhoods need to do is get a few dozen signatures on a petition and they receive stop signs/lights to calm their local traffic. And I have no problem with that - even when I travel in the burbs. It's high time city council actually follow through with all their talk about urban revitalization instead of worrying about their 2 minute extra trip to work. Make coffee at home and skip the 15-car lineup at Tim's and they'll more than save the time lost by making MY NEIGHBOURHOOD streets safer and more livable.

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