Comment 23600

By Frank (registered) | Posted May 22, 2008 at 15:37:34

Capitalist, I have a tendency to feel the same way but I think that people here have been doing that to much. Also, I believe that the importance of this tower has been missed. I don't think that it's meant to attract Hamiltonians only but that it's supposed to attract investment from elsewhere i.e. Oakville, Brantford, Burlington, Toronto, Mississauga etc. Investment by companies of high calibre is what's necessary. LIUNA (an investor/developer from Hamilton) has had many opportunities and has so far fallen faaar short of expectations (or hit the nail on the head, depending on your perspective) and it's about time that someone steps up and starts to do something. I say "go wild Harry". I know that if I had the ability to do what he's doing, I'd be doing it myself that's for sure.

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