Comment 2312

By Yes sir (anonymous) | Posted November 24, 2006 at 10:38:31

I didn't mean to start a great debate on the merits of boomers. My point is that this is age-ism, a generalization similar to racism. Even if the majority of my generation agree on certain values it does not mean that I as an individual accept those values.

I'd also have to argue against the notion that boomers were the first generation to jump into the suburban lifestyle, though they/we may be first to have grown up mostly in the suburbs. Westdale began as a pre-war suburban survey and "planned community" did it not?

When I was born my parents moved from Queen Street to a survey just outside the edge of Hamilton. Personally, boomer though I was, I was excluded from that decision. A year later the city expanded to include that survey. As a teen it used to take me about a half-hour to walk downtown. Now with city expansion, I'd have to say that Upper James and Fennell, and beyond, are very much part of the city centre, though the escarpment continues to be a psychological divide. Sometimes it isn't attitudes that change, it's the circumstance.

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