Comment 23111

By DavidG (anonymous) | Posted May 14, 2008 at 19:19:03


I have to admit that I thought the reason I had never heard of an example of LRT working in a small city is perhaps because there were none. I would still question in those smaller cites how many of them put their LRT right on the busiest vehicular road. The Norfolk Va plan for example appears to be utilizing an existing railway for much of it's length. Hamilton also has a somewhat unique geography due to the escarpment and Lake Ontario which really limits the east-west routes available for cars. (Dundas to Hamilton you've got pretty much one option)

If LRT could be built in such a way as to actually offer people a choice whether or not to use it I would be all if favour of it, as opposed to being forced to us it because your 20 minute drive has turned into an hour.

A dedicated lane for buses may be a good idea in some parts of the city but again it sure does not look to me on the Dundas Hamilton portion that it would do any good since traffic flows great.
The only part of my commute where the roads get a bit congested is on King St heading W out of downtown. (as a side note this is partly due to buses zipping along in the right lane then cutting in when it ends due the courteous drivers and of course the yield for buses by law) Correct me if I'm wrong but I think this is the are where the proposed system would cut this from 4 lanes to 2. That strikes me as creating a traffic nightmare.

Surely the simple solution to your problem, which I would imagine is pretty frustrating, is to add a few more buses during peak hours.

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