Comment 2287

By Yes sir (anonymous) | Posted November 23, 2006 at 12:19:40

Given Dana Robbins move to KW Country (at best a lateral promotion I'd guess)it appears that senior management at Torstar agree with your assessment of the shift in local media power. Might you expect a buy-out offer soon, followed by a devastating drop in competing advertising rates?

You might be a bit more generous though, by recognizing VIEW Magazine and CFMU among alternative media to the Spec. Their Braden interview was devastating to the status-quo.

And I'd like to suggest that your well-deserved crowing is marred by generallizing your defeated opposition into the broader category of "boomers". Not everyone over the age of 55 agreed with the direction this city has taken over the past 55 years. For many of us, seeing the central mountain express routes open in time for the waterfront brownfields to begin emptying was enough to recognize we'd been building for the past.

There's a lot of work to be done in this town yet. Please don't make the mistake of dismissing an entire generation as unworthy for the task.

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