Comment 2284

By jason (registered) | Posted November 23, 2006 at 11:43:26

they made it so confusing because they were trying to give us a two-way street without actually changing the one-way pattern. 2 lanes each way, street parking on curbs during off-peak times would have made perfect sense, especially since 80% of traffic heading south on James turns left to go up the Jolley Cut - which can easily be accessed straight up John. As for downtown businesses and shoppers, consider that over 70% of all vehicles in downtown Hamilton are not beginning or ending their trip in the downtown core. In other words, they aren't shopping. They aren't ever getting out. They are cutting through. Instead of taking the 403 to the Linc, they cut through downtown to go up the Mountain. Highways were built to accommodate cut-through traffic. Downtown streeets should be for those who live, dine and shop on them. Not for 3 minute short-cuts.

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