Comment 22784

By councilwatch (anonymous) | Posted May 09, 2008 at 15:35:08

Do the names Tom Beckitt,Herman Turkstra,Sheila & Gordon Zack,Harry Greenwood,
Bill Powell Sr.,Tom Davidson bring it all back for you. To refresh, this was the progressive leaders of the "Save Our Square (SOS) movement who talked about a mix of residential, commercial and lots of green spaace before even a brick was laid and who ran Bill Freeman for Mayor as a "Clean Sweep" Candidate". It was already to late to stop the building of Jackson Square, we had already demolished the Heritage Ciy Hall building, the King George Hotel and the Market and all the surrounding character of a vibrant town-place. Hamilton was handed over to developers "who needed a road map to find the john" as I remember Greenwood telling City Hall and he was and has been proven right. I can still remember when the Clock worked on the old Birks Building, when Gore Park looked like a Botanical garden and when downtown Hamilton was vibrant and alive and safe after dark. We did have the good sense to preserve the old Library thanks to the above named SOS Committee. Unfortunately, in spite of being well organized with radio, newspaper ads and rally's
the Committee couldn't convince the brokers behind the politicians and so it's deja vu all over again as Yogi once remarked.

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