Comment 2277

By martin z (registered) - website | Posted November 23, 2006 at 09:55:12

I have to say that, while I understand why the various other streets have been made two-way, I'm worried about how it's been done. I mean, it's hardly two way if there's the "good-way" and the "cramped-one-lane-can't-turn-left-way". None of the convenience of two-way traffic, and none of the efficiency of one-way traffic. I'm concerned this worst-of-both-worlds approach is being considered as the way to go. The stop lights leading up to the mountain accesses have become disastrous at rush hour.

Yes, I realize that it's important for business, but you have to consider both sides here - in order to shop downtown, people have to be able to get downtown. Plus, the city needs access to the mountain accesses, since the 403 mountain access is already horribly overcrowded.

I think refining the current approach would be ideal - the north-south and peripheral roads as bicycle-friendly, business-friendly two-way traffic, and the King/Main corridor for getting into and out of downtown.

Consider how dense traffic downtown is. Then try driving in downtown Toronto, the land of no left turns. We don't have a Gardiner to get traffic through the core, so we have to make do with the roads we have, and that's the King/Main corridor.

Fix up the rest of the two way traffic, but keep King/Main one way, or else downtown will become a quagmire for traffic.

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